Press Release
2016 / 09 / 29 10:49
Awards of Excellence

- The Great Bacon Revolution and BPEX Foodservice Pork Product of the Year 2013
2016 / 09 / 29 10:42
Meatlover powered by ADiRECT Singapore ISO 22000:2005 certified

Meatlovers powered by ADiRECT Singapore are certified to the SIO 22000:2005 international quality management system accredited for Food Safety Management System which meet food industry expectation. ISO 22000:2005 certification affirms ADiRECT Singapore's successful pursuit of quality and service excellence. The management system designed to enable us to control food safety hazards along th food chain in order to ensure all our products are safe at the time of consumption.
2016 / 09 / 29 10:37
ADiRECT supports POSB Passion Kids Fund

POSB Passion KidsWrite 2015 ADiRECT played a part by joining SG50 Commemorative Book Launch on September 13. In celebration of SG50, POSB and People's Association together with National Library Board and SoCh in Action, have come together to launch the KidsWrite Campaign to capture Singapore children's version of the nation in 50 years' time.
2016 / 09 / 29 10:33
Metal Detector Implemented

Ingesting metal fragments can cause serious and painful injuries. To uphold our food quality safety standards as well as to safeguard your food safety, all your products at Meatlovers are scanned by the metal detector before your order is dispatched to you.
This new technology also complies with our ISO22000:2005.
2016 / 09 / 29 10:27
SAGA 30th Anniversary Private Event

In celebration of Saga-Gyu Brand's 30th Anniversary, the event was held on 29 January at popular Japanese restaurant Jin Fine Restaurant. A total of 60 guests, including foodies, food bloggers, chefs and representatives of the media were invited to discover and taste one of the top brands of Japanese Wagyu - the exclusive Saga-Gyu. The guests included popular blogger Dr. Leslie Tay of the famous food blog 'ieatishootipost' as well as chefs from Michelin starred restaurants.