Press Release
2016 / 09 / 29 10:25
Oishii Japan 2014

Thank you and see you again next year!
ADiRECT Singapore participated the ASEAN's largest dedicated showcase on Japanese food and beverage during 16-18 October 2014.
"Oishii" means "good taste" in Japanese.
2016 / 09 / 29 10:20
CUT by Wolfgang Puck introduces Hokkaido Snow Beef

CUT by Wolfgang Puck introduces Hokkaido Snow Beef
2016 / 09 / 29 10:17
2016 / 09 / 29 10:09
FHA 2014

Thank you and see you again soon!
A big thank you to all who have visited ADiRECT Singapore booth at FHA 2014. Meatlovers powered by ADiRECT Singapore is always happy to share our new products and services with our valued customers. During this four-day event, ADiRECT Singapore featured the latest product, Hokkaido Snow Beef, which has received lots of interest from both Chefs and Consumers. ADiRECT Singapore will continue to bring exclusive products to dining tables.
2016 / 09 / 29 10:02
The New Truth About Kobe Beef: Scarce Amounts Now Available In The U.S., But Not In Europe

Singapore (7 January 2014) - It's been almost two years since I wrote Food's Biggest Scam: The Great Kobe Beef Lie, here in the pages of That story assumed a life of its own, becoming one of the most widely read food stories of the year and garnering well over a million views. It continues to be heavily viewed to this day, and since it was the most read of the hundreds of online pieces I have written, I safely assume it is a topic that interests a lot of people. But the playing field has changed significantly since 2012, so I am revising the topic with the new truth about the world's most famous and coveted beef.